CoLab Building Ltd.
Looking for a licensed and experienced professional to tackle your project?
Get guaranteed, quality results, with CoLab Building Ltd. We offer professional and reliable services for a wide variety of needs. Specialising in architecturally designed homes, working with dedication and craftsmanship, we have earned a reputation for excellence. Get in touch for a free quote today.
Our Story.
Paul, the founder of Colab Building grew up in Gisborne and now lives in Hawke's Bay with his young family. Starting his apprenticeship after leaving university, Paul has developed an enviable skill set, and his attention to detail is widely regarded.
Having worked as a builder for more than 15 years, and 7 of those for a highly awarded, high end architectural construction company in Hawke's Bay, Paul founded Colab Building.
As registered Master Builders of New Zealand, Colab Building offers client’s the peace of mind of the Master Builder 10 Year Guarantee.
With a passion for building, and working on exciting projects. We look forward to understanding how we can help you with your project.